
Score with Premium
Perks Checking

Our financial experts are ready to
with your financial game.

Your money story is unique to you and it’s deserving of all the perks we have to offer.

At Meritrust, we have the resources you need to write your money story--like our Premium Perks Checking account. Designed to give you the most for your money, this account has it all:

  • Dividends to help your money grow
  • Early Payday to provide you with access to your funds up to two days faster
  • Round Up to help you automatically save
  • Cell phone protection for all of lifes ‘oops’ moments
  • Roadside assistance for when you need an assist
  • Identity theft protection so no one else can be you

Gradey Dick’s Money Story

From hometown basketball legend to playing in the NBA, Gradey proves that his grit pays off with the proper support, persistence, customized financial solutions and hard work.

Carmen & Bart’s Money Story

Gradey Dick’s parents sat down & shared how their values impact their relationship with money.